Let’s face it. No matter whether the economy is strong or weak or the market for talent is loose or tight, our teams still have work to do and need people to do it. The following is a list of some of the key reasons why contractors are valuable additions to your projects. Ramp Up
The Trials & Tribulations Of Summer Hiring
For both recruiters and candidates I would say that summer in North America is the most difficult time to be conducting a job search – and particularly to be actively considered for a job. The reason is probably fairly obvious. While Christmas, Easter and Spring Break have short windows of time during which people can
Writing An Effective Job Description
Writing an Effective Job Description The ideal hiring process has a complete lifecycle unto itself. This includes: candidate definition, skills definition, formatting and then finally writing and editing the job description. The whole process must start with getting very clear on whether you need anyone at all. If you really do, then what exactly do
5 Myths About Working With A Recruiter
Myth # 1 Recruiters are HR people Most recruiters (the term recruiter and account manager are used interchangeably here) do not have any formal HR training. Why? Because the recruiter is not an HR professional, but a salesperson. The recruiter manages accounts with different companies, takes their job orders, and finds candidates to fill the
How To Write A Resume That Generates Calls
OVERVIEW: Before you start writing or re-writing your IT resume, take the time to understand the job that you are applying for. If you are not writing for a particular IT role, then find a currently advertised role that is similar to the role you will be looking for in the future. This will ensure
5 Myths About Resume Writing
Myth # 1: Your resume should be limited to one or two pages If you have very little to put on a resume, then maybe you only need one page. This may apply to a new grad, or a person who has had only one role in the field. However, if you have had many